Friday, May 28, 2010

Top Kill Slays The Drag--OH NOW WHAT IS IT?!?

Top Kill(tm).  Still not working.
Warning that "ultimate success is uncertain," BP said Friday it could take all weekend to complete its "top kill" technique aimed at plugging the catastrophic leak in the Gulf of Mexico. 
Good thing it's a long weekend.  Hope you weren't headed for, say, the Gulf Coast for Memorial Day.

Look, in all seriousness I understand the government doesn't have the expertise in plugging massive oil geysers a mile deep.  There's no Department Of Plugging Oil Well Geysers, either.  But since there's not, and since we live in a world where these things fail and will cost us untold billions, you think we could maybe, you know, work how how to fix stuff like this BEFORE IT HAPPENS.


  1. Sorry Zandar, but until this spill proved that we needed government there was no way I was going to turn over the management of 1000s of oil wells to some Socialist Marxist fascist Big Government Agency.

    Now that I see that they don't have the Gulf in their best interests I think it is time they solve the problem and promise to never let it happen again. But don't let them ask me for taxes to fund this prevention once this crisis is "solved".

  2. Paul's pathetic attempts at sarcasm aside, how do you defend the story that BP and the White House bused in hundreds of cleanup volunteers for the President's photo op, and then left?

    It's over, Zandar. The Democrats are done for a generation.
