Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Weekend In Le' Freakin'

Your Weekend Wingnut Freakout this week is "How DARE Barack Hussein Obama have a state dinner for the President of Mexico when there's illegal immigration and unemployment in this country!"  Oh the horror!  Take it away, Byron York!
At a time when the unemployment rate stands at 9.9 percent, when jobs are still being lost, when worries about the global economy are causing breathtaking volatility on Wall Street, when millions of Americans who still have jobs are worrying more than ever about the safety of their retirement savings — at a time when all that is going on, the Obama White House has turned itself into a showcase of glitzy extravagance.

Wednesday night’s White House state dinner for Mexican President Felipe Calderon was, as far as the dinner itself was concerned, a fairly routine, if sumptuous, affair.  The East Room was a grand setting, and First Lady Michelle Obama brought in a favored Chicago chef to put together a complex and expensive menu.  “The main course of Oregon wagyu beef came with a Oaxacan black mole sauce with more than 20 ingredients that takes days to come together,” reported the Associated Press.
Yes, the White House should show America's class and taste by serving the Mexican President and his delegation some Taco Bell and a six pack of Jumex, then tell our partner from across the border to get the hell out until he can control his own country, right?  Let's pass a Constitutional amendment banning state dinners when the unemployment rate is above 8 percent!

Idiotic criticism like this was just as stupid when it was leveled at Bush.  The problem is a lot of that criticism came from the Wingers.  They don't want diplomacy with any country.  They want everyone else to shut the hell up or face Predator drones blowing up their families and they want to turn the Mexican border into the Korean DMZ.

At this point, the Teapublicans see a darkie Islamosociofascist entertaining his El Raza Mexican Invasion Partner to come for their nubile white women in the night.

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