Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Before Zee Germans Get Here, Part 4

With Angela Merkel's government falling apart and her opposition insisting on Austerity Hysteria, Merkel's got no choice but to fold her cards and try to convince herself and the world that cutting spending will lead to German economic growth.
Chancellor Angela Merkel championed German export strength as “the right thing” for her country, spurning President Barack Obama’s call to boost private spending as both leaders prepare for Group of 20 talks.

Merkel, addressing a business audience in Berlin today, said she told Obama in a phone call that cutting government debt is “absolutely important for us,” exposing a second point of contention ahead of the June 26-27 G-20 summit in Canada.

Reducing the budget deficit by 10 billion euros ($12 billion) per year “won’t put a brake on the world’s economic growth,” Merkel said, relating what she told Obama yesterday. Germans are more likely to spend money if they feel the government “is taking precautions” to ensure solid finances, she said.

Four days before world leaders meet in Toronto, Germany is heading for conflict with the rest of the G-20 over tighter financial regulation, a banking levy and U.S. calls to boost growth rather than cut debt. 
Must be nice to be able to reduce the deficit by $12 billion and get credit for it.  When Obama tried the same thing earlier this year, he was laughed at by both sides.  Things are much more serious now however, as the unemployment rate is still dangerously high and Congress seems to want to do nothing about it.

Considering the Republicans are more than happy for Obama to take the blame, blocking jobs bills seems to be their path to glory in 2010.


  1. There's a distinct difference between what Angela Merkel proposed and what Obama did. 10-12 billion sounds good but you have to look at it in perspective.

    Maybe you should research before jumping to defend Obama, you'll spend less time with your foot in your mouth.

    John Boehner owns you in this regard.

  2. i'm supposed to be more polite but i still think you're a stupid nitpicking ass. john boehner is right and Z is wrong in regards to what the obama cuts mean relative to the total budget. but boehner's still an obstructionist ass and you're still a douche. BFD.

  3. "john boehner is right and Z is wrong in regards to what the obama cuts mean relative to the total budget."

    Which is the point I was making, at least you kind of kept up this time. Yet again you're looking way to far into comments, the point ended there. If I wanted more things implied like "OMG BOEHNER IS WIN!" I would have continued, but I didn't.

    Maybe you are being purposely dense...Z was attempting to make a comparison between Obama and Merkel. I pointed out he was comparing apples to oranges (Not in the sense of a white chick vs. a black dude either). He compared 2 different economic situations with different variables together and then tried to make a point about the outcome.

    Also...again, no rebuttal? More internet badassery without any humor?

    This is why I say you're fail. You overreact to a statement in a comment of a blog on the internet and lash out with any insult you can think of because it doesn't coincide with your worldly views and must be shouted down. You cannot argue any points against any statement made for whatever reason (lack of knowledge, lack of desire, etc) but you still feel compelled to respond in an attempt to silence. You'll hardly be taken as credible when you come across as a 4 year old covering your ears screaming "lalalalalala" every time something is said you don't agree with. If you don't agree with something then state why, back it up with a link, etc. The environment Z has put together here is great for having a discussion of varying political views and including some humor. Hence why Lowkey noted sparing with humor...so far you've shown you can't spar, you can spew out curse words like a 10 yr. old who just heard daddy say "Fuck" for the first time.

    Some where a village is missing their thumbless knuckdragging retard...the helmet is waiting when you want to return :-)
