Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Concrete Evidence Of Stupidity

John Cole notes this classic overreaction by David Frum to the proscribed materials in the Gaza blockade:
I’m speechless:
On Monday, Israeli ships stopped a flotilla carrying materials that could be used for war, including cement that Israel maintained could be used to build bunkers, to Hamas-ruled Gaza. The crew of one boat resisted violently, triggering a firefight in which nine people were killed, most of them Turkish nationals.
Cement! It is far worse than I thought! You all were probably worried about countries or terrorist groups getting nukes, but apparently there are nefarious uses for cement! That stuff is all over the place- I look outside and I see it everywhere. My porch is itself a Quran away from waging an insurgency on my pansies. Should I call homeland security?

That’s reasonable conservative David Frum, author of the axis of evil phrase, who apparently is dumb enough to write stuff like this for CNN, but not quite wingnutty enough to get a gig at the Washington Post.
You know what?  By that logic, Israel should blockade food and water because they might be used by terrorists.  In fact, I think it's the duty of the American taxpayer to supply Israel with a massive dome to put over Gaza in order to suck out all the oxygen and provide oxygen tanks only to those Palestinians who can prove beyond any doubt that they are not Hamas quadruple agents.

It's the only way to protect Israel's vital national security interests, by assuming that every Palestinian is a Jew-hating suicide bomber and making sure they can't use the Grey Shari'a Demon, Concrete to protect themselves from Israel's holy right to collective punishment.

You know what else is banned in Gaza?  Newspapers and fishing line.  Lord knows what the Islamist bastards could do with knowledge and fish.


  1. We can continue to go round and round but the fact of the matter is

    1. Israel offered to ship supplies via ground through Israel
    2. Israel warned them ahead of time (more than a week) what would happen if they continued.
    3. The "activists" knew the blockade was there, it's not like it was a surprise since it's been there for how long? Oh yea more than a year.

    And I'm sorry if you're surrounded by nations that wouldn't mind seeing you "blown off the face of the earth" then yea, you should be a tad more cautious.

    Israel even admitted "bad equipment, bad tactics, and bad intelligence" led to this because they were not prepared to handle that crowd.

    Also if it was not an act of provocation, then why is the merchant ship still en route?

  2. When you have an indiginous population of 1.5 million who are all willing to martyr themselves to a person in order to wipe Israel off the map, then yes, you monitor everything that goes in there. Everything is a weapon to kill Jews to them. Everything.

    They have proven it time and time again. The second they put Hamas in charge they all became terrorists. They must be treated as such.

    No quarter.

  3. No quarter?

    Larry Johnson, is that you?

    Where's the whitey tape?

  4. Somebodies got to ask...

    Allan do you even read before you post?

