Monday, June 21, 2010

For Better Or Worse

So at this point Mississippi GOP Gov. Haley Barbour is arguing that the six month deep water drilling moratorium is now worse than the oil geyser.

No, really.  Steve Benen:
As part of the federal response to the BP oil spill disaster, the administration imposed a six-month moratorium on drilling new deepwater wells. The point, of course, was to prevent another crisis -- Deepwater Horizon had undermined confidence in the industry and its practices. Before companies start new drilling, it's reasonable to make sure the industry's doing it right.

Conservatives, and some regional Democrats, are less than pleased about the six-month pause. Yesterday on "Meet the Press," Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour (R) went so far as to argue that the moratorium is actually worse than the oil spill and its effects on the region. Seriously.

Host David Gregory specifically asked, "[W]hat's worse, the moratorium or the effects of this spill on the region?" Barbour replied, "Well, the moratorium. The skill -- the spill's a terrible thing, but the moratorium is a, is a terrible thing that's not only bad for the region, it's bad for America."
Oy.  Republicans will do anything to attack Obama over this, won't they?

1 comment:

  1. Oy. Republicans will do anything to attack Obama over this, won't they?

    No not just Repubs, read the article.

    some regional Democrats...

    So people affected by this, don't want it. They are unable to look at this impartially since it has a direct impact on them. This isn't an issue or partisan politics its an issue of physical location.
