Monday, June 28, 2010

Going All In To Take Abortion Out

Orange Julius figures bringing the Stupak Amendment as the first of a new batch of laws banning abortion will earn the GOP the vote in 2010, and this time they figure they have enough Dem votes to get it passed.
House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) announced this weekend that Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.) will soon introduce legislation that would bar Congress from using taxpayer money to support abortions or abortion coverage.

The legislation would extend the so-called "Hyde amendment," which in its current form only applies to Health and Human Services (mainly Medicaid) funds allocated in the department's annual appropriations bill;
the issue came up again during the healthcare reform debate when an amendment by Reps. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) and Joseph Pitts (R-Penn.) to apply the Hyde language to the bill passed the House but not the Senate.

"I believe this must be the next objective for pro-life America," Boehner said, speaking Saturday at the 40th annual National Right to Life Convention in Pittsburgh, Penn. "It's clear from the health care debate that the American people don't want their tax dollars paying for abortion, and a bipartisan majority in the House of Representatives agrees."
And from there Orange Julius and friends force abortion coverage into the realm of no affordability because any insurance carrier that wants to do business will have to then drop abortion coverage or include expensive riders, and then it goes downhill from there.

I really do love how Republicans consider any laws restricting the purchase of firearms as unconstitutional breaches of the rights of Americans, but pile as much restriction as they can on to the federal government regulating a woman's reproductive system.

1 comment:

  1. I really do love how Republicans consider any laws restricting the purchase of firearms as unconstitutional breaches of the rights of Americans

    Ever heard of the bill of rights?

    So you're upset that he wants to pass a law enforcing Obama's executive order?
