Monday, June 21, 2010

Law Enforcement, It Works

You know, instead of the Jack Bauer stuff.  Faisal Shahzad is completely copping to the Times Square bombing attempt.
Faisal Shahzad, the 30-year-old Pakistani-American suspect in the failed Times Square bombing case, entered pleas of guilty Monday in federal court to all 10 counts he was facing.

Shahzad, wearing a white skullcap, gray prison jumpsuit and orange T-shirt, was wearing handcuffs as he was escorted into the courtroom of U.S. District Judge Miriam Cedarbaum.

Before entering his pleas, he told the court: "I want to plead guilty 100 times because unless the United States pulls out of Afghanistan and Iraq, until they stop drone strikes in Somalia, Pakistan and Yemen and stop attacking Muslim lands, we will attack the United States and be out to get them."

Cedarbaum then placed Shahzad under oath and asked him questions about the crime.

A law enforcement source told CNN the decision to plead guilty was Shahzad's.

Shahzad is accused of attempting to set off the botched vehicle bomb in Times Square on May 1. He was arrested two days later while trying to leave the country on a flight from New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport.
No torture necessary, no years in Gitmo, no disappearing the guy, no waterboarding, no psy-ops crap, no predator drones, no cruise missiles, no Space Command, no memos trying to authorize enhanced interrogation, no Legion of Doom supervillainy and the guy's entering a guilty plea in less than 60 days. It's almost like the Obama administration knows what they are doing with basic law enforcement techniques.

Imagine that.  We can stop terrorists using detective work.  Now we can put this assclown behind bars where he belongs.

1 comment:

  1. So you mean all those folks we've caught over the last 5+ years we could have just talked to, and NEVER did? Let's be realistic here. You're starting to sound like a wingnut, I fear the closer we get to election day the worse it will get.

    How many of Islamic extremists do you think would come and talk to us and give us information?

    Just like a political figure or group does not define the entire party, the exception does not prove the rule.
