Friday, June 4, 2010

Meanwhile, Back At The Crawford Ranch

Ol' Dubya is still getting the hang of this "ex-President" thing, getting one of those Facey-Bookie things on the internets and all, but he really should learn not to admit to international war crimes he committed while in office.  He's going to need a little help on that.
Speaking to a crowd in Grand Rapids, Michigan on Wednesday, former president George W. Bush told onlookers that his administration did in fact waterboard alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and suggested that his action saved American lives.

"Yeah, we water-boarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed," Bush said, according to a local newspaper. "I'd do it again to save lives."
Somewhere, Dick Cheney just threw a cute animal down a flight of stairs.  The thing is, we waterboarded this guy over and over and over again, and it didn't save any lives, because the guy told us whatever we wanted to hear to stop waterboarding him instead of actual intelligence we could have used.

You would also think Dubya there would have the grace not to brag about breaking the Geneva Conventions and admit to torturing people, which if he went to a country that actually paid attention to international law, well some enforcement officials in crisp uniforms might want to have a word with him.

Reflects rather poorly on us, yes?

1 comment:

  1. We've been over the Geneva convention multiple times with me linking plenty of articles regarding it. However I would like to know how you know what information they did and didn't get out of KSM and what they did with that information? You mean to tell me they didn't save a single life with any information he provided?

    Selling bridge in San Francisco, taking all bids.
