Thursday, June 3, 2010

Never Miss An Opportunity For Obama Derangement Syndrome

The crew at MoJo plumbs the depths of the latest tinfoil lunacy on how Obama will drain your precious bodily fluids at FEMA camps.
Is there a covert government plan to forcibly evacuate up to 50 million people from the Gulf Coast and move them into FEMA trailers somewhere in Missouri and elsewhere because of the oil spill? Some of the nation's survivalists are convinced that the Obama administration is plotting just such an operation. Last week, Greg Evensen, a former Kansas state trooper and a regular on the "Patriot" movement talk circuit, appeared on the Internet radio show "Shattering the Darkness" to warn listeners that government is moving to evacuate basically everyone from the coast of Texas to Cape Cod. Evensen says the move will come after these areas become uninhabitable due to an "oversaturation of benzene" from the chemical dispersants BP is using to try to clean up the oil leaking into the Gulf of Mexico.

Yes, even an eco-tragedy can breed conspiracy theories.

Interviewed by a man known only as "the Hawk," Evensen predicted on May 27 that the evacuations would begin sometime around June 15, after the government brings together "people who can be engaged in combat"—possibly including foreign troops—and stations them at 500-mile intervals.  He predicted that people as far north as Cape Cod might have to be evacuated, given that the oil is likely to end up "on beaches of England."  These events, Evensen warned, would show the "rolling thunder effect of how it will bring America to its knees," to which the Hawk responded, "This could be larger than anything we could ever imagine."

In an interview with Mother Jones, Evensen explained that he had heard about this massive governmental operation from a "buffet meal of state and local law enforcement" sources, many of whom find him—rather than the other way around—thanks to his media appearances and Internet postings. (Evensen lives in Michigan.)

The podcast of this show soon made its way into the Tea Party world and was circulating on various listservs this week, with headlines like "Forced evacuations of 40 million begin in less than two weeks. Anyone within a thousand miles of the Gulf of Mexico needs to listen to every word of this." John Kaminiski, a "truther" who believes Jews blew up the World Trade Center, warned in an email that "If you don't leave now, you will never make it. You will either die on the road, or in a FEMA camp. The troops are already in place."
And then only the WOLVEREEEEEEEENS can save us!  Also, I guess this means no more Shrimpfest at Red Lobster.  (There are no Red Lobsters in FEMA Death Camps.)  You thought the 9/11 Truthers were bad?  You thought the Obama Derangement was topped by the Birthers?

You ain't seen nothin' yet, folks.


  1. I'm surprised you don't get along more with these folks and their conspiracy theories..

  2. Replace "Obama" with "Bush" and "oil spill" with "9/11 attacks", "CIA Intelligence on Iraq", "Election Fraud", or "stock market crash" and this sounds like any Democrat between 2002 and 2008.

    What's your point, other than there are lunatics on both sides (and one of them apparently runs this blog)?
