Friday, June 4, 2010

Political Cartoon Of The Moment

The Miami Herald's Jim Morin:

Steve M. has more on this as he dissects the meaning behind BP CEO Tony Hayward's op-ed guessed it...the WSJ.
This would fit perfectly with several ideas the right is at great pains to push: that government is toxic and shouldn't be in charge of anything (yes, everyone's demanding government intervention now, even right-wingers, but that has to change soon), that Obama is inept, that all Obama is destroying capitalism by accident or design (see Bobby Jindal complaining about expected job losses as a result of the Obama administration's ban on offshore drilling), and that quite possibly even the administration's failure to force an end to the crisis was part of a sinister conspiracy to block drilling and force cap-and-trade on an unsuspecting public.
They tried the same thing with health care reform.  Remember "Keep your government hands out of my Medicare, Obama"?  It's the definition of Obama Derangement Syndrome:  no matter what happens, the bad parts are always, always, always Barack Obama's fault.


  1. You know what's really funny? The people who say "It's not Obama's fault because government can't fix this!" and then say "We should have the government take over BP!"

    You know, hypocrites like YOU. Now that's comedy gold!

  2. Comedy Gold:

    I voted for Obama. I regret it. You are still my enemy. Fuck you.

  3. Except unlike the cartoon, not only do those two statements not contradict each other, but they make a logically progressive construction. Let me expand upon it.

    BP caused a massive problem the government doesn't have the expertise to fix, but BP does. BP has also been lying to the government and the American people because they have every reason to do so to save themselves. They are not operating in the best interests of the country anymore after demonstrable criminal negligence, therefore we should place BP in receivership until such time as it has made amends.

  4. Well, yes, there's that. I almost hope that the worst would go on and happen. Let's just go on and destroy the world.

    Why not, right Arcadian? Why not?
