Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Upon Further Review, The Statue Is Overturned

The big story here in Cincy this morning is the Touchdown Jesus statue up in Monroe got struck by lightning and destroyed.
The statue, built in 2004 and dubbed ‘Touchdown Jesus’, was a feature on the grounds of the Solid Rock Church in Monroe. Standing six stories high, the statue was named “King of Kings” but colloquially became called “Touchdown Jesus” — the arms approximate the signal a referee makes for a touchdown in professional football.
TDJC there is something of a landmark around here.  Or...was...something of a landmark.

Personally I think the Powers That Be missed the Creation Museum about 45 minutes southwest, but I am but a mortal man, humbled by the power of nature to destroy a really big statue of Jesus.

Make of this what lesson you will.


  1. First our glibertarian trolls go Galt, and now the Fundies get proven right, too? Without the Ten Commandments stapled to every public surface, and with our school children forced to spend several minutes a day actually not praying, the Muslin God is set loose to attack Jesus, his chosen people, and football in one fell strike?!

    I weep, for I have undone America.

  2. Let me guess, Arcadian and Booger were living inside. Gee, maybe I shouldn't have prayed for them to die in a fire.

    On the other hand, nice to have the confirmation that God is a liberal.

  3. Zarcadian can't post right now, is actually working.

  4. A statue got hit by lightning, caught fire and was destroyed.

    dude, what the fuck was that made out of? I'm used to statues being made out of stone and shit.

    That said, I think it says more about Jesus' opinion on football.
