Thursday, June 17, 2010

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

The management wishes to convey that the people responsible for Joe Barton’s apology have been sacked, and Joe Barton wishes to retract his apology and say just how wonderful BP is as a corporation and that they should be all given ponies.

The people responsible for Joe Barton’s retraction of his apology saying how great and awesome BP is have been sacked, but not before saying how cool BP is and how smexy Tony Hayward’s hair is.

The people responsible for sacking the people responsible for Joe Barton’s retraction to his apology to BP have been in fact crushed by Barack Obama’s huge Kenyan penis.
Seriously. Balloon Juice commenter Dave:
I think the frustration that supporters of the president have (at least it is for me) is that his critics give him credit for nothing. NOTHING.

He gets a health care reform bill passed that is sweeping in scope and more than anyone has done in decades. And the left-wing critics say “Not enough.”

He gets a stimulus bill passed that pretty much kept a massive recession from getting worse and all the left-wing critics said was “Not enough.”

He’s on the verge of getting DADT repealed through law as opposed to using a reversible executive order and all the left-wing critics say is “Not enough.”

He gives a speech that talks about peak oil, points out how government corruption played a role and begins to lay out the way forward towards an alternative energy future and all the left-wing critics say is “Not enough” while having orgasms to Rachael Maddow’s satisfying-but-completely unrealistic “Fake President” speech.

Never mind Lily Leadbetter, killing the F-22 (something BUSH couldn’t do), expanding SCHIP, credit card reform, tobacco regulation…but no, it’s not enough. It’s NEVER enough with some people.

There is legit criticism to be made when it comes to President Obama, especially in the civil rights arena. But to hear the WATBs on the left tell it, he hasn’t done a damn thing. And that is simply not true. 
End of line.  Remember, the alternative was John McCain and Republicans like Joe Barton here.  What do any of you think President John McCain and Vice President Moose Lady would have done better on any of this?  Do any of you think their "accomplishments" would have been more progressive?  Do you think the oil spill would make drilling safer with those two in charge?

Oh, and if the GOP wins back the House, the guy in charge of the House Energy committee?  Joe Barton.  My God.  And the folks joining Joe Barton in Congress if the Tea Party has their way?  Folks like NC Republican Bill Randall.
Republican congressional candidate William "Bill" Randall is suggesting that the Obama administration and BP conspired to intentionally spill oil in the Gulf of Mexico.

Randall admits that he has no evidence that what he says is true. But that is not stopping him from making the claim as he campaigns for the GOP runoff election Tuesday to determine who faces incumbent Democratic Rep. Brad Miller on the November ballot.

"Now, I'm not necessarily a conspiracy person ... and this is purely speculative on my part and not based on any fact, but personally I feel there is a possibility that there was some sort of collusion," said Randall, who has aligned himself with the tea party movement.

"I don't know how or why, but in that situation, if you have someone from a company proposing to violate the safety process and the government signing off on it, excuse me, maybe they wanted it to leak. But then it got beyond what was anticipated, and we had an explosion and loss of life."
This is your alternative to the Democrats, people.


  1. End of line. Remember, the alternative was John McCain and Republicans like Joe Barton here. What do any of you think President John McCain and Vice President Moose Lady would have done better on any of this? Do any of you think their "accomplishments" would have been more progressive? Do you think the oil spill would make drilling safer with those two in charge?

    Well we will never know for sure, speculation vs reality. Reality, Obama AND his administration dropped the ball on this big time. They should have accepted any and all help from other countries offering. D vs. R in my area? I'll be taking the R (last time around I made the mistake of taking the D because I too was fed up with the R)

  2. if you've ever voted democrat i'm a fucking pine tree. puh-lease!

    you fucking low-grade moron.

  3. Well, pine tree or liberal stooge, you're going to last just as long either way. You'll get cut down for lumber, or cut down due to the failures of your ideals. Good luck surviving till 2012
