Friday, July 30, 2010

Another Milepost On The Road To Oblivion

Steve Benen documents the Republican obstruction:
It's been pretty unpleasant watching the Senate lately. The DISCLOSE Act came up, and every single Senate Republican joined together to block the bill from even getting a vote. A package of incentives and tax breaks for small businesses looked to be in good shape, but every single Senate Republican joined together to knock that down, too. Twenty obviously qualified judicial nominees were brought forward, and the GOP blocked votes on all of them. Medical care for 9/11 victims came up, and Republicans prevented it from passing, too.

And these are just developments since Tuesday.
The Senate has one more week before the Labor Day recess and campaign season, so anything that doesn't pass now is dead and buried for...well, who knows how long, most likely the rest of the year minimum.  Things don't look good for Harry Reid to try to get money to the states before August 6 or for anything to be done about oil spill legislation either.

There is no appetite for Congress to do anything right now.  Period.  Republicans block everything, Dems say "Oh well, they are blocking everything."

And they wonder why they have an approval rating of 11%.

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