Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Be Careful What You Wish For, Tea Party

You wanted smaller government?  You wanted state budget cuts?  You wanted to deal with "overpaid government drones"?  You got it.
Up to 400,000 workers could lose jobs in the next year as states, counties and cities grapple with lower revenue and less federal funding, says Mark Zandi, chief economist for Moody's

The development could slow an already lackluster recovery. Friday, the Labor Department said employers cut 125,000 jobs, mostly because 225,000 temporary U.S. Census workers completed their stints. The private sector added 83,000 jobs, fewer then expected, as the jobless rate fell to 9.5% from 9.7%.

Layoffs by state and local governments moderated in June, with 10,000 jobs trimmed. That was down from 85,000 job losses the first five months of the year and about 190,000 since June 2009.

But the pain is likely to worsen. States face a cumulative $140 billion budget gap in fiscal 2011, which began July 1 for most, says the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

While general-fund tax revenue is projected to rise 3.7% as the economy rebounds in the coming year, it still will be 8%, or $53 billion, below fiscal 2008 levels, according to the National Association of State Budget Officers.

Meanwhile, federal aid is shrinking. Money for states from the economic stimulus is expected to fall by $55 billion, says the National Governors Association. And the Senate last week failed to pass a measure to provide states $16 billion for extra Medicaid funding, an initiative that would have extended benefits from last year's stimulus. The House approved $25 billion in enhanced Medicaid funding.

Philippa Dunne, who surveys state financial officials for a newsletter, the Liscio Report, says most plan to intensify layoffs the coming year after relying largely on furloughs.

"The downturn has gone on so long, all the low-hanging fruit has been taken," says Scott Pattison, head of the state budget officers group.

So, another 400k jobs lost over the next year or so as FY 2011 turns into a bloodbath, and FY 2012 will be even worse come next July and onwards.
What's the plan to get these folks jobs, then?  The private sector should be eager to snap up qualified cops, firefighters, budget directors, city planners, and administrators, yes?  I mean since the private sector does everything better and more efficiently and all...

Because otherwise we've got 400,000 more Americans unemployed because Republicans refuse to fund these governments in trouble, and I'd like to know how that's going to help the economy.

1 comment:

  1. the private sector does everything better and more efficiently and all...

    Yep, but we are in a recession right now, in case you forgot ;-)
