Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Little Story About Jack And Rand, Part 2

Rasmussen's latest numbers on the KY Senate race still has Rand Paul up 49% to Jack Conway's 41%. Here's the really interesting part of the survey:
By a 61% to 16% margin, Kentucky voters believe cutting taxes is a better way than increasing spending to create jobs. 
Right, because businesses will totally turn around and hire more people if demand for their products is still in the toilet.  Meanwhile, they'll completely give existing workers raises instead of pocketing the difference, right?  Yes, people here actually believe that the major problem is taxes, not demand from lack of spending because people are tightening their belts and getting laid off and are out of work for 99 weeks.

Voting against your self interest, the Kentucky way.  Of course, the whole tax cuts vs. stimulus thing is complete horseshit.


In other words, permanent tax cuts like the Republicans want are literally just about the least efficient stimulus option out there.  Extending unemployment is one of the best, as is increasing spending on state governments and infrastructure.

All that got cut out of the Jobs Bill by Republicans who said "we have to pay for it!" but think tax cuts are free.  Spending actually really does multiply itself in additional stimulus added to the economy.  That's why it's called stimulus.

Tax cuts are not stimulus.  But here in Kentucky, people think they'll magically create jobs instead of forcing states like Kentucky to cut social spending and take even more demand out of the economy.  Kentucky's one of the poorest states in the nation, and apparently people like it that way.

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