Tuesday, July 13, 2010

One Big Fat Serving Of Crow, Please Part 2

Several million negative points for GOP nimrod Tom Emmer on the whole "waiters make $100k a year, let's cut their wages" flap, but the guy at least tries to earn a few of those points back with his mea culpabeing a waiter for a day.
Minnesota state Rep. Tom Emmer, the presumptive Republican nominee for governor, made an interesting campaign stop over the weekend as part of his damage control efforts for having supported policies that would effectively lower the minimum wage for waiters: He became a waiter for a day, serving tables at a Mexican restaurant.

In the Emmer campaign's Web video of the event, the Republican declared his solidarity with waiters against people who criticize them: "Some guy on the radio today was saying how it's unskilled labor. I'll tell you what. I dare him to try and carry a tray with 25 pounds of hot, steaming dishes on top of it, be able to know which ones they're going to, be able to run back and pick up the next table and be smiling and happy for the third. You know, this is not an easy job, this is hard work, and the servers get exactly what they put into it. The good ones get rewarded very well. It's just a good reminder, it's not as if we didn't know that. It's just a good reminder -- it's good to walk a mile in someone else's shoes."
On one hand, it takes some balls to put your comfortable shoes where your mouth is and suck it up to sling orders for a day.  That puts Tommy here miles ahead of most Republicans to at least admit he was wrong and then suck it up and do the work he disparaged.

On the other hand, ol' Tommy Boy here gets to go back to his cushy politician job and will continue to run for Governor, it was an obvious and cheap political stunt, and I'm betting there are a lot of folks in Minnesota who would like a job waiting tables considering we're still dealing with 4.7 job seekers for every job available.  Oh, and Tom's still a scuzzbag who wants to sock it to poor people.

In other words, I'm betting Minnesota voters are smarter than that.

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