Thursday, July 22, 2010

Orange Julius Continues With The Applied Nihilism

Rep. John Boehner thinks everything's fine and when he's Speaker of the House again (which he believes he will be in January) he has a plan to help Americans. 

"The first thing I would do is repeal Obamacare," Boehner said at the Christian Science Monitor luncheon. "It is a giant impediment for employment. Not only will it ruin the best health care system in the world, it will bankrupt our country.
"Secondly, no cap and trade," Boehner added. "You raise the cost of energy, you raise the cost of doing business."
"Thirdly, not raise people's taxes," he concluded. "You want to get the economy going, give some people certainty about what the tax rates are going to be." Democrats hope to let the Bush tax cuts on wealthy Americans expire before the end of the year -- Boehner wants the tax cuts to continue across the board.
He also argued that any unspent stimulus funds ought to be reclaimed.
So lets take stock. Republicans will create jobs by:
1). Rolling back comprehensive health care legislation. (Notably, Boehner also supports repealing financial reform).
2). Simply promising not to do something. An anti-initiative, if you will.
3). Keeping current tax rates in place.
Doing all of these things, which technically represent the status quo pre-Obama, would apparently inspire companies to start hiring.
So taking the political environment back to 2008 when we were losing several hundred thousands of jobs a month is going to make people start hiring again?  Great plan.  Just throw out the last two years and continue down the Bush path.

That's the plan for 2011, folks.  Same as it ever was.

1 comment:

  1. Well the changes made have done so well haven't they?

    Anyway yea running on a platform of repeal may sound nice but it's going to be running on a lie. The GOP will not gain enough ground to have a 2/3 majority to overcome a pres veto. They can better spend their time doing something that may have a result vs something where the result is already known.

    Climate legislation is needed, just not the current idea which will make Al Gore and a bunch of his buddies filthy rich.

    And "Democrats hope to let the Bush tax cuts on wealthy Americans expire before the end of the year" is slanted to seem if he's ok with taxing the middle class. Let's look at the whole picture, there's enough problems out there we don't need to give half truth's to create false issues
