Sunday, July 18, 2010

Republicans Still Think You're A Moron

On Tuesday, Carte Goodwin, of the coal-rich state of West Virginia, will be seated as the 100th U.S. Senator. On the same day, the Senate will pass an extension of unemployment benefits, utilizing Goodwin to break a Republican filibuster. Now, you might think that the fact that all but one Republican in the Senate has been supporting a filibuster of this bill means that the Republicans oppose it. You'd be wrong.

On CNN's "State of the Union," the leader [Mitch McConnell] beat back comparisons of deficit spending in the George W. Bush administration. 
"They've taken the deficit as a percentage of GDP from 3.2 percent to almost 10 percent in a year and a half," McConnell said of the Obama administration.
"Somewhere in the course of spending a trillion dollars, we ought to be able to find enough to pay for a program for the unemployed," he said.
"If we can't pay for a program like extension of unemployment insurance that virtually every member of the Senate -- I think, in fact, every member of the Senate wants to extend, then what are we going to pay for? When do we start?"
Republicans think you're not paying attention to them blocking this bill not once, not twice, but 3 times.  Republicans think you're stupid enough to believe them when they say the deficit is causing all of our problems and the deficit is 100% Obama's fault.  And the best part is our "Liberal Media" refuses to call the Republicans out when the go on air and lie like fiends.

Republicans think you're stupid, you're not paying attention, and that you're too depressed to vote or even to give a damn about your country anymore.  They're counting on it.

1 comment:

  1. I keep repeatedly telling myself that we're not stupid enough to put the republicans back in power again. Then, I wake up and remind myself that Sarah Palin is a multi-millionaire political celebrity, Michelle Bachman is leading her race for reelection, and more people watch Fox News than any other cable news channel. We are friggin' toast.
