Wednesday, August 18, 2010

George Soros And His Dastardly Mind Control Rays

Like any Winger caught crossing the line and pulling a Palin, Dr. Laura says it's somebody else's fault, and that somebody else is always The Left.
"I want to be able to say what's on my mind and in my heart and what I think is helpful and useful without somebody getting angry — some special interest group deciding this is a time to silence a voice of dissent and attack affiliates and sponsors," she said.

Schlessinger apologized last week for saying the N-word several times in an on-air conversation with a caller whom she accused of being hypersensitive to racism. She said on her website that she was wrong in using the word for what she said was an attempt to make a philosophical point.

"To imagine that there are people who refuse to accept an apology because they have an agenda and would like me silenced — I'm done with that," she said.

King asked how her freedom of speech was being denied by criticism of her comments, Schlessinger explained "I don't have the right to say what I need to say. My First Amendment rights have been usurped by angry, hateful groups who don't want to debate, they want to eliminate. So, that's why I decided it was time to move on to other venues where I could say my piece and not have to live in fear anymore that sponsors and their families are going to be upset, radio stations are going to be peeps, as I call them, are going to be upset."

After King referenced "This group that was after you, Media Matters." Schlessinger said, "Well, that's their job in life." She then told King that a list of advertisers contacted by Media Matters who distanced themselves from her due to her comments "proves my point."
Right.  You notice of course the one person that Laura Schlessinger doesn't hold accountable in any way shape or form for this Laura Schlessinger.  Can't be her fault.  Wingers are always the victims and never the bad guys.

I'm sure the Liberal Conspiracy made her say the n-word on her own show.  Damn mind control rays!

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