Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Getting Myth Busted Can Be Costly

It's a good thing the Wingers are protecting us from the "myth of global warming" and all.  We wouldn't want job-creating outside investment in our alternative energy industries anyway.
“You just throw your hands up and say … we’re going to take our money elsewhere,” said Kevin Parker in an interview with Reuters.

Parker, who is global head of the Frankfurt-based bank’s Deutsche Asset Management Division, oversees nearly $700 billion in funds that devote $6 billion to $7 billion to climate change products.

Amid so much political uncertainty in the United States, Parker said Deutsche Bank will focus its “green” investment dollars more and more on opportunities in China and Western Europe, where it sees governments providing a more positive environment.

They’re asleep at the wheel on climate change, asleep at the wheel on job growth, asleep at the wheel on this industrial revolution taking place in the energy industry,” Parker said of Washington’s inability to seal a climate-change program and other alternative energy incentives into place.

Glad we could help out China's industries instead of creating those nasty evil green jobs here.  After all, families that get money from green jobs might actually question why massive chunks of Antarctica are falling off during the hottest global year on record.

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