Monday, September 13, 2010

I Don't Think That Word Means What You Think It Means

Delaware Tea Party Senate hopeful Christine O'Donnell apparently isn't aware of the definition of the word "appeal".

Christine O'Donnell says she has an election strategy -- and it includes appealing to those die-hard PUMAs who wanted to see Hillary Clinton elected president in 2008.
"I do want to point out that we have broad based support, we've got a lot of Hillary Democrats working behind us -- with us -- because they're frustrated with what this administration is doing," O'Donnell (R-DE) said this morning on Fox News.
O'Donnell, now just slightly ahead of Rep. Mike Castle in a poll of Republican primary voters who will decide a nominee for Senate tomorrow, complained that national Republicans and the Delaware GOP aren't giving her a fair chance. She said that when voters and party officials get to know her they will see she can win the general election by reaching out to independents. And, presumably, those Clinton voters.
She didn't say if she's gotten those Democrats to actually switch parties, since the primary tomorrow is closed and you must be a Republican to take part.

Apparently, her definition of appeal means "Convince Hillary Clinton voters to jump parties and become a Republican just to nominate an anti-feminist, anti-sex, gay-bashing, liberal-hating Christian Dominionist nutjob to the Senate."

Last time I checked, that was actually the definition of the word "delusional". But hey, as the Rumpies point out, what happens when delusional meets "completely wrong about everything"? Something has to give...


  1. Oh my fucking god, that stupid narriative is still alive?!?!

  2. Who is the "Editorial Board"? I would like to know who makes these recommendations.
