Saturday, September 25, 2010


Many thanks to Zandar, who graciously gave me some space on his blog. I will join his valiant movement against the Stupid. I hope I don't disappoint! Our personality and experiences color our opinions drastically, so I'd like to take a moment to introduce myself and set the foundation.

I live in Springfield, MO. Except for a few months here and there, I have always called this area home. I'm 34 years old, married to a wonderful fellow, and enjoy several hobbies. I contribute as a ghost writer on two professional writing sites, as well as write under my own name. I am a member of a citizens editorial committee hosted by the Springfield News-Leader, a creative effort to bring people together and trying to find solutions to local issues. I'm a classically trained violinist and am a member of an adult student orchestra and play with a couple of more informal groups on the side. My life has been built around the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, regardless of the subject. I contribute content for an online RPG, and if that isn't geeky enough for you I don't know what would do the trick.

Politically, I am liberal but am far more interested in learning facts and making sense than fulfilling expectations of what I "should" believe. I am a Christian but avoid organized religion after growing up in the Bible belt. While Zandar and I agree most of the time, there are certainly occasions where we disagree and go back and forth debating the best way to view world events. I am humble in my beliefs, because life has taught me to appreciate how easily one stray comment or idea can change everything.

That's enough rambling about me. It's a pleasure to be welcomed here. Thanks again!

Bon The Geek