Friday, September 10, 2010

Last Call

This (week's) violent domestic terrorist wingnut story is uncomfortably close to where I grew up in North Carolina.  Concord is just outside of Charlotte.

A Concord man was charged with describing how to make explosives, in an effort to bomb an abortion clinic, after FBI agents found instructions on the man's Facebook page and caught him in a sting, officials said Thursday.

Justin Carl Moose, 26, is a self-described "extremist, radical" and the "Christian counterpart of Osama bin Laden," according to an affidavit filed by FBI agents. Agents arrested Moose, who lives in a northwest Concord neighborhood, on Tuesday.

His arrest followed an investigation that began after Planned Parenthood alerted the FBI to a Facebook page registered to Moose, which the group said was advocating extreme violence against abortion providers.

Agents began monitoring the page and Moose's private messages. They say he collaborated last week with a confidential informant to plan the bombing of an abortion clinic in North Carolina.

Moose's relatives were reached by phone Thursday and declined to comment. He faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted on federal charges of distribution of information relating to explosives.

Yeah.  Called himself the "Christian counterpart to Bin Laden" and plotted to blow up an abortion clinic.  But remember, we have to worry about Muslims because every single one of the mosques in America are "potential terror hubs" and stuff.  Meanwhile, while the unruly mob is busy determining just how many civil liberties we can collectively take away from American Muslims because they're not really Americans, it's people who call themselves Christians who are actually plotting terror attacks on American soil.

So under "Park51 is too close to Ground Zero" logic, we now have to ask "Well they can, but is it right for Christians to build churches anywhere near Atlanta after what they did to Millennium Park at the Olympics?"

We now have to ask if Charlotte is being taken over by Christian fundamentalists who want Dominionist law, right?

Guess this is what Markos Moulitsas meant by his book "American Taliban" huh.

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