Sunday, September 12, 2010

Last Call

Orange Julius in April:

When pressed for a number, Boehner said he believed the GOP could win as many as 100 seats in this fall's elections."At least 100 seats," Boehner said when asked how wide the playing field for districts is. "I do," the top House Republican answered when asked if he thinks there are 100 seats in the U.S. "that could change hands."

Orange Julius today:

"I think winning the House is still an uphill fight, but I can tell you that we have great candidates across the country and we have a great opportunity," Representative John Boehner told CBS television's "Face The Nation."

Wait, I thought Republicans taking the House was a given.  I thought we had all moved on to "Speaker John Boehner" and the only question was now if they could take the Senate too, the House was a lost cause, 80-100 seat GOP pickup, Fire Nancy Pelosi, massive Republican tsunami coming, huge Tea Party wave, Democrats no longer a viable political party after November and all that jazz.

And now all of a sudden it's "an uphill battle to take the House" now for the GOP?

You mean that hey, the American people are waking up to what a GOP Congress would really do if it was in charge and what they would do to Obama, and how it would turn into a complete circus of insanity where the GOP would target the most needy of us and put them on the block?

Gosh.  Almost sounds like now that real election season is here, that Orange Julius realizes that defending tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans and making the other 97% of us pay for them through social cuts isn't going to be a winning hand anymore.

Imagine that.  And just a couple days after Obama decides to finally start fighting back, too.  Could it be that all the Democrats had to do was to stand their effing ground on this all along?

Imagine that, indeed.


  1. You mean that hey, the American people are waking up to what a GOP Congress would really do if it was in charge and what they would do to Obama, and how it would turn into a complete circus of insanity where the GOP would target the most needy of us and put them on the block?

    Yeah, maybe. Or maybe Boehner's just trying to damp down everyone's expectations so whatever actually happens will still look like a blowout.

  2. (But that's me be gloomy as usual, isn't it?)

  3. I still have to believe that in the balance, Americans are good people.

  4. Not really, no. I inclined to believe Steve.

    I also get the thought that he's trying to energize the base further by making it look like a massive struggle to win. Gotta give more! Gotta do more! Gotta hate more! More more more!

    I believe that the American people are good people. I also believe that they are fucking stupid people.
