Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Last Call

Shorter Jeffrey Goldberg:

"If Washington DC's African-American residents would just stop voting for Democrats all the damn time, Republicans might actually let them count as Americans in Congress.  I mean honestly, why should the GOP give a damn about any of you people?"


  1. Well, just because he's as subtle as wet fart doesn't mean he's not absolutely correct. When the Hit-N-Run Sweathog Squad starts bitching that there are oppressed Americans denied their Constitutional right to liberty through electoral franchise, DC'll only be about 20 years from getting its first Representative.

  2. Oh, and P.S., Goldblog, you doofus... D.C. isn't a fucking state. If it was, it'd have a Representative, and two Senators (just like Wyoming!), and you'd still be a big ol' doofus.
