Thursday, September 30, 2010

Last Call

Alan Grayson may have taken a hit for his Taliban Dan ad (and after reading Steve M.'s analysis I do have to agree he went to a Republican level of dirty tricks there and he's paying for it) but he's not backing own from this fight, and has his eyes on a larger target:

I still like the guy. I'm sorry. He just needs to not stoop to Wingnut levels of lying to beat an ass like Daniel Webster. He can beat him fair and square.


  1. What is it with you an Alan Grayson? He is going to LOSE in November by a wide margin so why keep talking about him?

    You support the guy even though he is a LIAR so what does that say about YOU?

  2. of course, anonymous douchebag isn't especially interested in the lying done by republicans. what does that say about anonymous douchebag? that he is hampered with the same partisan biases that afflict us all.

    a regular reader who hopes wafflez gets a huge inoperable tumor in his digestive system.

  3. Amazing how anonymous t-man douchebag ignores that no side has a monopoly on corruption, what does that say about anonymous t-man douchebag?

    Conclusion: I found out long ago, that t-man is a hypocritical douchebag :-)

    a not so regular reader who thinks t-mans obsession with silencing any voice of dissent via spoiled childish name calling is sad and pathetic. I would say debate me using actual facts but you can't, so carry on.
