Friday, September 10, 2010

Man, That Must Be Some Prime Stuff He's Smoking

Because whatever Brent Budowski is consuming, the effects on his writing are completely friggin' awesome.
Within hours and possibly minutes I expect the president will name Elizabeth Warren to lead the new consumer protection agency, and if he does, the Democratic base will erupt and turn out to vote in far greater numbers than any current poll suggests.

I could be wrong; Obama might give up at the last minute, which would be the last betrayal of the Democratic base and very possibly the death knell of the Democratic House of Representatives. But if he names Warren, the pundits be will amazed, astonished and flabbergasted by the lift this would give to the Democratic base and by the voter turnout that would follow.

If Obama names Warren, consumers would have the strongest possible friend fighting for them all day, every day, at a time of major consumer rip-offs and disastrous consumer confidence that would be lifted with the Warren selection.

If Obama names Warren, veterans and military families who have endured rip-offs and abuses would have the strongest possible friend with Elizabeth Warren.
Am I missing the metasnark here?  Is this some big colossal joke I'm missing?  Elizabeth Warren is the key to the entire election?

How about taking a strong stance on DADT and gay rights, or abandoning Bush policies on civil liberties, or getting more troops out of the Middle East, or using economic solutions that aren't taken from the Republican playbook?

The President's last response in today's press conference on Park51 for example was brilliant.  That's the kind of thing we need more of.  Not the milquetoast wishy-washy split the middle crap that he spouted in the first half of the presser.  Half the frustration is we know Obama is fully capable to great moments, it's that he chooses to not pursue them on purpose.

Only now with the Dems' collective backs against the wall is he coming around.  Strength inspires people, Barack.  Not "compromise".

[UPDATE] We need more of this.

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