Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Boom, Headshot, Part 3

And the circle is complete.

Tim Profitt -- the former Rand Paul volunteer who stomped on the head of a MoveOn activist -- told told local CBS station WKYT that he wants an apology from the woman he stomped and that she started the whole thing.

"I don't think it's that big of a deal," Profitt said. "I would like for her to apologize to me to be honest with you."

"She's a professional at what she does," Profitt added, "and I think when all the facts come out, I think people will see that she was the one that initiated the whole thing."

Profitt also blamed the incident on his back pain. Footage shows that Profitt stomped down on Lauren Valle's head, neck and shoulder while she was being restrained by another man with her shoulder on the street and her head on the curb.

It's all her fault for having an opinion.  The bitch had it coming to her, clearly.

Jesus wept.

[UPDATE]  Scott Lemieux over at Lawyers, Guns & Money has a great round up of Winger apologists for Tim Profitt, including good ol' Col. Mustard:

The people around Paul had no way of knowing that this person intended only to present an "award."  Some of their actions may have been unwarranted and possibly criminal, such as the person who pushed her down with his foot, but make no mistake about it, this was a deliberate provocation intended to create a scene.   

Right.  Being a liberal she could of had an invisible lightsaber under her wig, so the only rational response was to kick her ass, says the law professor.


  1. Take heart, Z! Here is Profitt's apology to Valle:

    "I'm sorry that it came to that, and I apologize if it appeared overly forceful, but I was concerned about Rand's safety."


    Ah, the textbook, non-apology apology. So, considering that the cops are treating this as an assault (, Valle may get the chance to apologize in kind:

    "And I'm sorry you'll be doing an 18 month bid for aggravated assault."

  2. Here's the video of Move On stooge Lauren Valle instigating the whole thing that Zandar doesn't want you to see...

  3. ROFL!

    Holy crap, that's more damning than the Zapruder film! That chick sure got what she was angling for, that's for sure. How unfortunate that the Paulites on the scene rose to her duplicitous bait.

  4. Because the video "I don't want you to see" of course shows that she might have been carrying:

    A) a tiny bazooka
    B) hundreds of ceramic ninja stars
    C) ebola
    D) all of the above

    So of course she had to have the crap kicked out of her and sent to the hospital.
