Friday, October 1, 2010

Gold Rush, Part 16

Gold still up to a record high at $1,317, dollar still down to a six-month low against the euro.  The Japanese yen currency intervention by the Bank of Japan has lasted for two weeks and change, and the yen is now back to the same level it was at and continues to fall.

Stocks meanwhile just came off the best September in decades in the ultimate Dead Cat Bounce.  Just the threat of Helicopter Ben's Magic Printing Press is now driving the markets.  QE2 is now all but assured.

When will Ben pull the trigger?  When he does, the world changes forever.


  1. hi wafflez. you're quite interested in what us anonymous folk are saying now, eh?

    a regular reader who thinks wafflez is a douchebag.

  2. Actually technology is great

    Try it some time....


  3. name-calling?!? you're descending to my crude and unenlightened level? wafflez, for such a superior non-partisan libertarian intellectual giant you are quite the disappointment! though responding to my every insult with either incomprehensible gibberish or your amazing* internet tough guy routine (fail! harder!) does make me laugh pretty goddamned hard, so i can't complain here.

    a regular reader who finds wafflez unintentionally hilarious.

    *amazing if you really are an adult, that is.
