Sunday, October 10, 2010

Jacking Up Rand, Part 2

New poll this weekend has Rand Paul's lead cut to 4 points.

A new Braun Research as in Kentucky finds Rand Paul (R) with a four point lead over Jack Conway (D) in the U.S. Senate race among likely voters, 43.4% to 39.5%. 

An impressive number of people still undecided, too...enough to swing this race.  Rand Paul's $2,000 Medicare deductible statement is already hurting him badly.

Same polling outfit here had Paul up by 5 last month.  This continues to be a close race, but Conway is gaining.  Interesting breakdown:

Here’s how the race looks in each congressional district, according to the poll:
  • 1st District: Paul 41% to Conway 36%
  • 2nd District: Paul 47% to Conway 38%
  • 3rd District: Conway 55% to Paul 33%
  • 4th District: Paul 38% to Conway 25%
  • 5th District: Conway 44% to Paul 38%
  • 6th District: Paul 49% to Conway 37%
    So here where I am in the NKY's 4th, there are still a lot of undecideds (37%!) which is why you've seen both candidates up in this area a lot.  Rand Paul is now losing in the Appalachian 5th on the east side of the state too.  That's got to be a direct result of Paul's comments on the area's meth epidemic.  Conway is winning in the urban 3rd around Louisville handily, but Paul is doing very well in the center of the state, the 2nd and 6th.  The western 1st is close.  Pretty sure the 4th and 1st are going to decide this one (feel free to weigh in here on this one, Yellow Dog!)

    This is going to come down to wire.  Note also that Obama has a massive problem here in the state (60% disapproval) and the state as a whole is coming in at R+10.  That's how much of a problem Rand Paul has.  He can dredge up all the Obama Derangement Syndrome he wants to, but in the end it's his own words he's having to do battle against.


    1. Yes, I was pretty surprised by the numbers in the Sixth, but not by my home Second District, where it's practically illegal to be a Democrat.

      Not sure why Jack's doing so much better in the First than the Fourth - it was the First and Second that killed Mongiardo in 2004. He was up by 2 even after the Fourth's precincts were in.

      You're dead-on about the Fifth; Paul has no chance to make that up.

    2. Yeah, I figured as much. Here's hoping.
