Saturday, October 30, 2010

Rallying For Sanity (And Maybe Some Fear)

The thing I'm struck by most about the Rally For Sanity on the National Mall today is that a hell of a lot of people are there (far more than the Beck rally) and that everyone in the Village is really, really pissed off at them.

David Corn keeps ranting on Twitter that the Dems are dooming themselves because none of these people at the rally here are involved with Dem GOTV efforts this weekend.

In fact, the message is shaping up that Colbert and Stewart here are going to cost the Dems the Senate as well as the House because these folks aren't making phone calls and knocking on doors right now, and that this is the biggest mistake in the history of politics that will hand the nation over to the Tea Party, those bastard Comedy Central faux journalists who are not like the Village!

You know, the same Village media that's hiring Andrew Breitbart and taking every opportunity to assume that Dem voters won't turn out anyway (and running stories on the "enthusiasm gap" assumption daily) is complaining about Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert being responsible for suppressing the Democratic vote in 2010.


[UPDATE]  Nobody was there or anything.

It was maybe like, seven people.

[UPDATE] And because people still don't buy it:


  1. Don't say I didn't warn you about the fact you've become a real asshole with this political stuff, and your friends are sick and tired of hearing it. Obama blew it dude, and the only one who hasn't figured it out is you.

    Question for you. Have you stopped to wonder why you haven't gotten any Halloween party invites this weekend?

    Hate to be the one to break it to you, but that's just the way it goes, man. You're an asshole. Enjoy your evening alone.

  2. here's a crazy thought: maybe this is personal and you shouldn't anonymously post it on the guy's blog. it makes you look like a colossal douchebag and worse, it seems as though you're taking Z's opinions personally and can't exactly answer them in any way except to try and embarrass the guy. you'll notice he generally leaves this kind of stuff up, so don't you feel kind of dopey for posting it? no, i'd guess not.

  3. The funny part is whoever this jackass is, he doesn't actually know me at all.

  4. Reuters: "Stewart and Colbert rally draws thousands"

    Sure, "far more than the Beck rally" my ass. Beck had 1 to 2 million. These clowns couldn't even get a tenth that.

    "Fragments of Credibility" strikes again!

  5. "Beck had 1 to 2 million."

    um, no. the most generous estimates put the beck rally at around the hundred thousand mark. i know there are reasonable and sane conservatives out there. you are most certainly not one of them.

    please, drop dead already.

  6. Fragments Of CredibilityOctober 30, 2010 at 4:02 PM

    "um, no. the most generous estimates put the beck rally at around the hundred thousand mark."

    Which still means it drew five times as many as this rally did.

    Which means Zandar, as usual, is a lying sack of horseshit.

    Thanks for playing.

  7. Fragments Of CredibilityOctober 30, 2010 at 4:11 PM

    Nice picture.

    How's that Rand Paul race coming, by the way?

    Keep telling yourself that the Dems aren't already dead men walking.

  8. yes, of course you win because you say you win. you guys don't get it. you undermine your arguments in the eyes of any reasonable adults who may read this stuff whenever you do this pre-emptive "the debate is over when i say i win" bullshit. did you originally say a hundred thousand? no, you said 2 million. that kind of stuff can't be glossed over, so don't be silly. if you want to attack Z for intellectual dishonesty you have to establish and maintain higher standards for yourself. and let's keep this in mind: there are plenty of other bloggers out there (conservative and liberal) guilty of the same kind of shading, choosing, parroting and outright bias that you accuse Z of. he happens to be your current selected target because he's rather tolerant of trolling and because you dislike liberals, not because you are somehow devoted to some notion that the truth is sacred.

    thanks for being such a hard-to-take-seriously jerkoff.

  9. "The funny part is whoever this jackass is, he doesn't actually know me at all. "

    Let me tell you what I KNOW there mister hot shit political blog guy. I know your boss's boss has been asking questions about why there's such a problem with your desk making the numbers. The answer she's come up with is that there's people on that desk who have been written up for being on a blog at work and lying to customers on the phone and she wants to know why people like that are still employed.

    What I KNOW is that a lot of people from other desks are getting really sick of seeing you on your blog all day and not doing any work.

    What I KNOW is that your co-workers don't talk to you unless they have to because you're a rude ignorant asshole.

    What I KNOW is that somebody is about one wrong move away from the unemployment line.

    So don't tell me what I do and do not KNOW, friend. Because I KNOW a lot about you.

  10. this is only about the 30th post to suggest that Z is a couple of days away from being terminated. it's rather sad that someone is so threatened by a blog that he/she feels the need to post personal threats and insults which have nothing to do with the blog's content.

  11. "Let me tell you blah blah blah blah BLAH blah blah blah BLAH blah blah blah BLAH blah blah blah."

    Get some help you psychotic dweeb, you're embarrassing yourself.

    You're unhinged, and online stalking isn't the cleverest of ideas if you're going to lecture others about employment issues.

  12. And I'll put this one to bed, folks:

    Expert company hired by CBS to do aerial count of turnout at Glenn Beck’s rally in August–they came up with 87,000, give or take a few–just announced its findings for the Stewart/Colbert demo. The number: 215,000, or 2 1/2 times the Beck turnout.

    Not that I expect an apology from a childish anonymous troll who threatens me or my own deluded "fact-checking" stalker, but I know I'm doing the right thing when I drive you guys this crazy.

  13. Fragments Of CredibilityOctober 31, 2010 at 11:59 AM

    Putting this to bed, huh?

    I beg to differ.

    I dare you to post the comparison pictures of the two rallies at that link and their size and tell me how Stewart drew "two and a half times" more than Beck.

    A million plus versus 215,000? No comparison.

    You have "Fragments of Credibility" or are you too chickenshit to post the pictures so all your readers can see the giant liberal media lie?

  14. "fragments of credibility" is a moron.October 31, 2010 at 1:17 PM

    "A million plus versus 215,000? No comparison."

    you're kind of a nut, aren't you? nobody reputable gives the beck rally numbers beyond a hundred thousand. on some level you have to realize that you're making an ass of yourself here. are you a real person or a friend of Z's (or Z himself?) who's posting as an easily discredited/laughed at straw-man conservative?

  15. All over the internets, the righty blogs are denying that anyone actually attended Stewart's rally.

    I've come to understand in the past few days that liberals are actually invisible to Teatards.
