Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Right Message, Wrong The Hell Messenger

MoDo The Red rails against The Stupid (which I always appreciate) but it's a bit like the river complaining about the ocean when she goes after the women of the Tea Party reveling in ignorance.

You struggle to name Supreme Court cases, newspapers you read and even founding fathers you admire? No problem. You endorse a candidate for the Pennsylvania Senate seat who is the nominee in West Virginia? Oh, well.

At least you’re not one of those “spineless” elites with an Ivy League education, like President Obama, who can’t feel anything. It’s news to Christine O’Donnell that the Constitution guarantees separation of church and state. It’s news to Joe Miller, whose guards handcuffed a journalist, and to Carl Paladino, who threatened The New York Post’s Fred Dicker, that the First Amendment exists, even in Tea Party Land. Michele Bachmann calls Smoot-Hawley Hoot-Smalley.

Sharron Angle sank to new lows of obliviousness when she told a classroom of Hispanic kids in Las Vegas: “Some of you look a little more Asian to me.”

As Palin tweeted in July about her own special language adding examples from W. and Obama: “ ‘Refudiate,’ ‘misunderestimate,’ ‘wee-wee’d up.’ English is a living language. Shakespeare liked to coin new words too. Got to celebrate it!”

On Saturday, at a G.O.P. rally in Anaheim, Calif., Palin mockingly noted that you won’t find her invoking Mao or Saul Alinsky. She says she believes in American exceptionalism. But when it comes to the people running the country, exceptionalism is suspect; leaders should be — as Palin, O’Donnell and Angle keep saying — just like you.

In Marilyn’s America, there were aspirations. The studios tackled literary novels rather than one-liners like “He’s Just Not That Into You” and navel-gazing drivel like “Eat Pray Love.” Walt Disney’s “Fantasia” paired cartoon characters with famous composers. Even Bugs Bunny did Wagner.

But in Sarah’s America, we’ve refudiated all that. 

Well Maureen my dear, while you have a point about Sarah and Christine and Sharron...frankly I don't give a damn, because your own vapid columns attacking Obama for his lack of bipartisanship or going after him for actually paying attention to the First Amendment or for not being black enough or not being friendly enough to the Village press or for being too intellectual played right into the very themes that the Tea Party has been using against Obama for the last year plus, and before that as the far right (which they still are.)

So if you're asking why they are celebrating inchoate anger and blithering ignorance, ask yourself why you so thoroughly attacked a President who chooses to use intelligence, logic, and reason.

I have no sympathy for you.  You helped make this mess.  Own up to that, at least.

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