Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why Don't We Steal Away Into The Night

Of course the crazy woman who believes fluoride is a plot to control us thinks the only possible reason Harry Reid isn't losing by 40 points to her is that he's offering food for votes!

Nevada GOP Senate nominee Sharron Angle’s campaign attorney wrote a fundraising letter to supporters on Tuesday, charging that Democrat Harry Reid “intends to steal this election."

In a fundraising plea to supporters, Cleta Mitchell wrote, "As Sharron Angle's campaign attorney, I am sorry to report that the Democrats and their cronies are up to their same old tricks of trying to manipulate the election in hopes of skewing the results in their favor.” 
The letter alleges that the Reid campaign offered free food at voter turnout events and that “Democratic allies such as teachers unions are offering gift cards in return for a vote for Reid” — though the letter does not list specific events at which these practices allegedly took place. A search of recent news reports in Nevada did not turn up accounts of unions offering any gifts to voters.

The evidence Mitchell holds up is that the Angle campaign “received reports that some teachers union representatives were offering Starbucks cards to people to get them to vote for Harry Reid. It is even more disturbing and may be possible that they are using their influence and authority as educators to entice students on behalf of Reid.”

Angle's campaign did not immediately respond to an e-mail seeking examples of union officials offering gift cards to voters. 

Got the trifecta here:  Democrats abusing power, teacher's unions, and those impressionable young people being cruelly manipulated.  Damn you Starbucks and your ACORN muffins!

There's no actual evidence, but Republicans can lie with impunity all they want to and never suffer for it.  I know, Sharron Angle's campaign lawyer is a MoveOn.org plant from Dark Master George Soros, right?

Obama's a secret Kenyan Muslim, if you don't buy health insurance you'll spend the rest of your life in prison, and Harry Reid is stealing the election with Starbucks.  There's no truth to anything these fools say.  And yet America is about to give them the keys to the economy.

Good luck with that.


  1. *snort* I can paint my white boobies brown, flash Angle while shouting I'm a pagan, a software programmer that will infect her mind via her eyes with a virus, refuse to buy anything from any republican leaning company, a liberal, an American that actually likes the American people (even her skanky butt) and still won't ever find the desire to swallow her bat shit crazy bullshit nor want to waste my tax dollars paying her.

    Media tards will buy it. They buy Angle shit filled troughs after all. lol So there has to be a market.

  2. Please note that Angle herself is applying for a job covered by contract. If she were serious about contracts she herself would refuse the contract for being Senator or refuse to apply for the job.

  3. Le sigh. I knew that the Republicans planned to blame a disappointing election result on liberal perfidy. But between this, and all the stories on voter integrity squads, or whatever newspeak bullshit they're calling them, it's depressingly obvious that they plan on blaming ACORN for merely doing extremely well.
