Thursday, October 14, 2010

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

Hey, congressional Dems worried about motivating the base?

Take a cue from Rep. Alan Grayson here and his tough stance on the robo-signers and the foreclosure mills.

While you're at it, clean up the damn Chamber of Commerce, too.


  1. I go after Grayson for shooting from the hip too much, but this is exactly the right thing to do. Democrats couldn't come up with a winning message? How about "Throw Some Bankers in Jail"? That's a winning message. Wanna run against Obama in states where you're vulnerable? Why not run against him from the left, at least on this issue?

  2. Abso-friggin-lutely.

    Want to reclaim the mantle of populism right before the election, Dems?

    You have been handed the answer.

  3. I know what I said on the topic two weeks ago (good Lord, this thing is happening fast... ), but come on, Donks, Jesus.

    The Republicans (short of their state AGs) are silent on the issue. The GOP would have to do a double-backflip jackknife to a swan perfect on the first try to get onto any sort of message that would play outside their base, and doing that would royally piss off the Tea Party.

    This crisis is going to be truly awful. At least beat the GOP up with it and win some goddamned votes.

  4. i think we all know why they aren't gonna do any of that.

  5. Sigh, yeah. They're probably hoping Big Daddy Bankster will stop being mad about the Finance Reform law and come home, come on hoooome....

    Dumbasses. I bet you a $10M check cashed by American Crossroads was signed "Brian Moynihan."
