Friday, October 15, 2010

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

Here's why I hate election politics sometimes.

What Harry Reid had to do in order to win last night's Senate debate in Nevada:

  1. Memorize his entire Senate voting record.
  2. Memorize every word he has said on the Senate floor.
  3. Be prepared to debate every piece of legislation he has ever voted on.
  4. Be prepared to defend every vote.
  5. Memorize every dollar of income he has ever received and why.
  6. Justify every job lost in Nevada since he became a politician.
  7. Explain why every job in Nevada lost since then was lost.
  8. Speak in an exciting, dynamic, and engaging manner.
  9. Display all the gravitas of the Senate Majority Leader.
  10. Defend President Obama.
  11. Be willing to criticize President Obama.
  12. Catalog every earmark Nevada has received because of his actions and defend them.
  13. Justify every federal dollar spent in the last four years outside the state of Nevada, and what the benefit is to Nevada taxpayers.
  14. Justify every federal dollar spent in the last four years in Nevada, and what the benefit is to Nevada taxpayers.
  15. Explain everything to everybody, to everybody's satisfaction.
  16. Prounounce every word correctly.
  17. Not make any gestures that would be taken as his elitist dismissal of a real American.
  18. Emote wildly in order to prove he is a regular American and not an elitist.
  19. Satisfy the entire Village with his extreme seriousness, because the Senate is sacred.
  20. Make everyone laugh at least once to show how human he is.

What Sharron Angle had to do in order to win last night's Senate debate in Nevada:

  1. Not execute a box full of kittens with a food processor while praising Satan.

Guess who "won" the debate last night?

[UPDATE]  Steve M. argues fairly convincingly that Reid not only lost the debate, but this Senate race as well.  And that's where we are:  the Senate is now high school student council elections writ large, where the cool kid who wants to put vending machines in every locker is going to trounce the debate club nerd.


  1. Whoever is at the root of the Very Serious Villager "whoever beats our expectations, wins" standard of judging debates deserves to be locked in a room, with Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell and ten trillion American Idol also-rans, for all eternity.

  2. I don't get why anyone would want Sharon Angle instead of Harry Reid. Have you been to Vegas lately? You can't drive in any neighborhood without running into a boatload of traffic cones.

    Can you say "infrastructure"? In Vegas we are getting all our sewer and water pipes replaced, a bunch of gas lines replaced, roads repaired.

    They just let a bajillion of us walk across the new bridge/hoover dam bypass road that will be completed this month.

    there are solar and windmill farms going in all over the desert.

    This is just a little of the stuff that Reid did - taking stimulus money and any earmarks he could get for Nevada.

    Personally, I'd hate to lose him as Senator. But hey, what do I know? I'm just a DFH

