Thursday, October 21, 2010

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

Hey look, Sabrina the Middle-Aged Not-A-Witch says she was taken out of context at the Delaware Senate debate.

The media and most viewers of the Oct. 19 Delaware Senate debate thought Republican Christine O'Donnell's question about the First Amendment directed at Democrat Chris Coons was a pretty epic gaffe for the hardcore tea party favorite and Constitution proponent.

O'Donnell did not see it that way, however.

"It's really funny the way that the media reports things," O'Donnell told ABC News this morning. "After that debate my team and I we were literally high fiving each other thinking that we had exposed he doesn't know the First Amendment, and then when we read the reports that said the opposite we were all like 'what?'" 

Ironically, a very similar repeat of that situation awaits her in about 12 days. Also it's all the lamestream media's fault!

I believe the phrase is "If you're explaining, you're losing" but let's be perfectly honest here:  even if this vacuum-headed goofball loses to Coons by 40 points, she'll declare herself the "real winner" anyway and get a TV show, book contract, and wingnut welfare for life.  Coons meanwhile will have to actually legislate.

Either way, O' Donnell wins and America is poorer for it.


  1. Didn't you lose this argument completely yesterday about separation of church and state not being in the Constitution?

    O'Donnell's right. You have a lot of balls posting on this again after being so thoroughly embarrassed by myself and others.

    More balls than brains, clearly.

  2. Sigh. Declaring victory does not mean you actually won.
