Friday, November 12, 2010

And He's Rand, Rand So Far Away

Far, far away from actually telling the truth, it seems.

Some just-elected Republicans are going after federal employees, or at least their wages.

Among them is GOP Sen.-Elect Rand Paul, who wants to reduce federal wages by 10 percent. And his views happen to be in line with those of the Federal Debt Commission, which said Wednesday that the federal workforce should be cut by 10 percent and federal government salaries frozen across the board.

Paul made his case on ABC's "This Week," arguing that such drastic measures would be justified because, by his calculations, the average government employee earns a six-figure salary.

"The average federal employee makes $120,000 a year," Paul of Kentucky said. "The average private employee makes $60,000 a year. Let's get them more in line, and let's find savings. Let's hire no new federal workers."

Wow, $120,000 a year? Twice as much as what private sector employees make? GET THE PITCHFORKS AND TORC...wait a minute.

That doesn't sound right. Maybe because Rand Paul is full of crap?

But the average government employee earns nowhere near $120,000 per year.

"The median salary is $65,000," said Jennifer Dorsey of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.

Gosh, you mean Rand is pulling numbers out of his ass? But those are gubmint numbers, and they must be lying!

Federal employees earn a median salary of $61,574, according to

Hey you know who's a federal employee now?

Rand Paul.

Just saying.  Way to go with the intellectual integrity, Rand.  Also, way to go ABC fact checking him on your own network some four days later, too.


  1. Yawn. Rand didn't say their salaries were double, he said they MADE double, which includes things like pension and health care, all things you definitely take into account when selecting a job. Plus they've been on automatic pay raises throughout the recession while 10% cuts have become common in private industry.

    Even Newsweek,now purchased for a dollar by the spouse of a Dem Congresswoman agrees Rand was telling the truth. Hey, even Media Matters of the Dem talking points that claimed Rand's numbers were false had to admit the NUMBERS were right, but said, people wouldn't think he meant what he meant.

  2. Nice. Hey, got any links to back that up, Ace?
