Friday, November 12, 2010

Defending The Senate

With 23 Democratic seats to defend to the Republican's 10, the Donks are going to have a brutally difficult time holding on to the Senate.  BooMan takes an initial look at the lineup:

Hawaii- If Akaka retires, we have two women in the House lined up to replace him: Mazie Hirono and freshman Colleen Hanabusa. Anyone have a preference? I'm for anyone but Ed Case.

Wyoming- Our only chance is to convince Dave Freudenthal to run.

Massachusetts- Who's the best candidate to take down Scott Brown?

North Dakota- Can Kent Conrad survive? Who will run against him?

Nevada- Do we have anyone lined up to challenge for Ensign's seat?

California- Will Feinstein retire? Who's placed well to win the nomination if she does?

Utah- Can Orrin Hatch escape the fate of his friend and colleague, Bob Bennett?

Texas- Can Kay Bailey Hutchison keep the crazies at bay and win the nomination for another term in the Senate?

Wisconsin- If Herb Kohl retires as expected, can we convince Feingold to run for his seat?

Arizona- We have to find a candidate who can beat Jon Kyl. Could Janet Napolitano pull it off?

Connecticut- This should be the end of Lieberman's career. But who will replace him?

Nebraska- It looks like we sink or swim with Ben Nelson.

Montana- Can Jon Tester win reelection in a presidential year?

Virginia- Will Jim Webb even try to win reelection in a presidential year? Is Tim Kaine the only guy on the bench?

It's slim pickings, folks. We have to be smart, and good, or we're losing the Senate. 

And he's right.  The Democrats don't have a deep bench or even somebody to run yet in a number of states.  likely retirements of Jim Webb, Herb Kohl, Dianne Feinstein and Daniel Akaka means Dems in Virginia, Wisconsin, California and Hawaii need to start thinking now about who to get going.

Our best shot to pick up a seat is literally flipping Olympia Snowe.  That's it.  Meanwhile, the Republicans could very well end up with 60 seats or something ridiculous, and even if they just get enough for a Senate majority, does anyone think they're going to keep the filibuster around, especially if they beat Obama?

Yeah, imagine that.  One party Republican rule with no filibuster and President Insert Crazy Republican Here.  That's the GOP goal in 2012.  Time to get to work.


  1. Time for Obama to get to work.

    Save the economy, you save the country from this. Fail and it doesn't matter what the hell the rest of us do.

  2. Not arguing that point. But the groundwork for the Senate needs to be laid now.
