Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Quote Of The Day

Barack Obama:

"I don't think about Sarah Palin."

Oh but she thinks about you.


  1. Best. Possible. Answer. The President wins +1 internets.

  2. "Sarah who?" would be the only better response, but sadly, unworthy of a high-road guy like Obama...

  3. The best part is treating Sarah Palin as a non-entity is exactly what the President should be doing.

    And the rest of the world, for that matter.

  4. Yeah sure he's not thinking about her just like Zandar here.

    Hey Zandar how many Sarah Palin posts do you have?

    Your little word tag counter down there says 282.

    You certainly have a lot to say about a "non-entity", you stupid fuck.

  5. Yes, because the truth of just how blindingly ignorant the woman you've put your faith in must really, really hurt you.

    God forbid anyone mention that. Might harsh your fapping buzz.

  6. And you're the one writing nearly 300 posts about her on his blog. That seems like borderline obsession with her! Does she know you're stalking her?

    Of course not you're just a pissant little libtard fucker "non-entity"


  7. And that makes you...what then? The guy trolling the 'non-entity'?


  8. Oh wow. Fucking wow.

    First of all, of course Obama doesn't think about her. He's got more important shit to worry about than to deal with her inanity.

    But hey, her inanity still has sway for some godawful reason. Reasons like you. This shit needs to be dragged out into the sunlight and dealt with.

    Obama thinking about Palin? He's got better things to do.
    Zandar thinking (and posting) about Palin? That's what the blog is for.

    You know, this makes me think of this Townhall political cartoon.

    In both, you have a conservative who is imagining that those filthy hippy commie liberals are getting pissed over something so inconsequential. In this case, some jagoff trying to troll a small blog, and Bristol Palin (possibly, at the time) winning at Dancing with the Stars.

    If they think it pisses off liberals, it makes them happy. You basically have an entire political group of culture warriors who have not grown past kindergarden.

    Fucking wierd.

  9. cant you make it to where anonymous people cant post on your shit?

  10. Aw man, but that would make everyone miserable. They can't get their rocks off, and we can't point and laugh at them for their pitiful attempt at public masturbation.
