Monday, November 1, 2010

Reality Check

Here's the kind of thing that shows what Dems are up against tomorrow.

Numerous Fox affiliates and an ABC affiliate are broadcasting a vicious 25-minute infomercial that accuses President Barack Obama of harboring "hostility" towards America and ties him to malicious rhetoric.

The ad, called "Breaking Point," was paid for by The National Republican Trust PAC, and since Friday has run in Iowa, Kentucky, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Its existence was highlighted by the liberal blog ThinkProgress, a project of the progressive thinktank, Center for American Progress.

It chides the "destructive ideology of leftist revolutionaries," refers to the president as a "socialist," and claims the views of Democrats are "far too extreme for Americans to accept."

"During the 2008 campaign, President Obama pretended to turn his back on some extremists from his past," the infomercial says. "You want freedom? You’re gonna have to kill some crackers! You gonna have to kill some of those babies."

It also accused President Obama of raising campaign cash from Hamas.

“During his presidential election, he wound up with a record-shattering $750 million in his campaign," the ad intones. "To this day he refuses to report from whence it came. One reason might be that some of it originated from the terrorist group Hamas, which also endorsed Obama.”

And thanks to the Supreme Court, the National Republican Trust PAC can get all the airplay out of this they can here tonight and tomorrow.  It's all complete garbage, but you're infringing on free speech if you refuse to air it, and plus the donors to this PAC are...wait for it...anonymous!

To recap, one side is saying "I know times are tough but we have a lot of work to do and we need your vote."  The other side is saying "President Obama wants to kill Whitey and takes Muslim terrorist cash!"

But I know, I know, "both sides are guilty", right?

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