Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

Your number of the day is 53...the percentage of Republicans who now say there is no solid evidence of global warming.

Majority of Republicans No Longer See Evidence of Global Warming

As I keep saying, our grandkids are never going to forgive us.


  1. Do you believe that human activity is the only reasonable explanation for climate patterns?

    Do you believe that we understand everything about science and climatology in particular?

    Is your belief in both of those strong enough to volunteer to pay thousands more in energy costs each year?

    If you answered "no" to any of those three questions then congratulations, you're one of the vast majority of Americans who maintain healthy skepticism about climate science and get ridiculed by liberal blogs like this one.

  2. 1) There is multiple reasons for various changes in climate patterns. However, study from those who are trained to understand the data and patterns derived from that date have basically indicated that human activity has had a considerable impact on climate patterns, including global warming.

    2) No, we do not understand everything about the physical world, nor climatology in particular. Over time, our understanding of climatology will improve. What we have, though, indicates that human activity is posing a problem.

    3) I fail to understand why people would have to pay thousands of dollars a year, individually, for solutions for the indicated problems.

    But hey:
    Do you believe global warming is impossible because God promised he would not flood the world again?

    Are you paid by various industries, known for the pollution that helps impact global climat, to downplay the research and study that had indicated a considerable impact?

    Are you just a conservative American who doesn't care, but loves thinking that it just pisses off liberals to burn a little more gas, to drive around in a Hummer while listening to the Oxycontinfather and then going home to listen to Beck rant about the liberal conspiracies to do whatever the hell you don't like?

    If you answered yes to any of those three questions then congratulations, you get to cry the call of the Dumb White Fucker when someone calls the "healthy skepticism" for what it is: "complete stupidity and assholery on a global scale"...

    "Help, help, I'm so oppressed!"

  3. If there's a .01% chance of terrorism on a flight, we must subject Americans to an expensive, invasive full body scan given by a brand new government agency to protect us from danger because even one death is too great.

    But even a .01% chance that human-created global warming might kill Americans, and screw it, let God fix it.

  4. Please, there isn't even a .01% chance of terrorism.

  5. plus, the world is only 5000 years old anyway. how can it be coming to an end already? damn liberal commie bastids. why do y'all hate america?

  6. So I want to know why we don't have faith-based airport screenings.

    Do you believe God will protect you on the flight? Good enough, go on through.

  7. If there's a .01% chance of terrorism on a flight, we must subject Americans to an expensive, invasive full body scan given by a brand new government agency to protect us from danger because even one death is too great.

    But even a .01% chance that human-created global warming might kill Americans, and screw it, let God fix it.

    There is documented proof that Americans have been murdered due to Islamist terrorism. There isn't any documented proof that any life form on earth has died due to any supposed "human-created global warming".

    No, I don't like the new TSA procedures. In fact, innocent American air passengers will now be treated worse than the 9/11 terrorists awaiting some kind of trial. If these procedures were to be done on terrorists, they will scream torture and all the lefties will agree with the terrorists. These are the same people who are so afraid of military tribunals even though there is plenty of precedent for them and for their effectiveness. So it's ok for the Obama administration to torture innocent Americans, right? Yes, I'm going call what the Obama administration is doing torture.

    Do you believe God will protect you on the flight?

    He'll do better than anyone in the Obama administration will.

  8. And Self Parody Man shows up, right on time.

    Because we have to wait until coastal cities are destroyed before we do anything.

    You're awesome at this comic relief thing.

  9. Did you actually compare acts such as waterboarding to the stupid security kabuki that's been implemented?

    You do realize that whatever the fuck you are smoking is illegal, right?

  10. StarStorm:

    Did you actually compare acts such as waterboarding to the stupid security kabuki that's been implemented?

    Yes, you race-baiting twit, I do.

  11. Oh, now you're just not even trying.

  12. Sure I am. See subsection (2)(B) of the legal definition of torture in the U.S. Code. And you can forget that loophole in subsection (1); these aren't lawful sanctions. Remember, the people being subjected to Janet Incompetano's and the administration's new dictates aren't being shaken down because they are suspected of some crime.

  13. Oh. I see. Okay, I completely understand.

    That you're a fucking moron. Are you fucking kidding me?

    (1) defines torture, (3) defines the US. The only thing in (2) that might even be any way relevant is... wait, nope, I don't see it. Inflicted physical suffering? Administration of mind-altering substances or procedures for the purpose of inflicting suffering? The threat of death? The threat of the above?

    Dude, I know it's been a while since I've been through airport security, but that's stretching it.

    But hey, easier to imagine you're a martyr or some shit.

    I'd say "god save us from internet lawyers", but that requires more faith than I actually have.

  14. Dude, I know it's been a while since I've been through airport security, but that's stretching it.

    Why don't you take a trip and find out firsthand?

  15. Is this the part where I challenge you to go get yourself waterboarded so you can compare the experiences yourself?

  16. janet incompetano. you wrote that. you're an adult and you wrote that. you really are an idiot.
