Thursday, December 2, 2010

Facing The Replacements

Makes sense that the Tea Party caucus wants to repeal Obamacare and replace it with absolutely nothing, because it's not like any of them are interested in health care problems anyway.  They just want to kill the President's signature legislation.  The problem is that the GOP leadership selling the "repeal and replace" snake oil can't even convince their own people that they ever had a plan either, and it's making things a mite uncomfortable.

Reps. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) and Steve King (R-Iowa) say Republicans should repeal the law without attaching a proposal to replace it.
Bachmann, a founder of the House Tea Party Caucus, told The Hill on Wednesday, “We need to have a full-scale repeal of ObamaCare, then from there …what we need to do is to have a debate on how are we going to offer the greatest-quality healthcare to the widest swath of people at the lowest possible price. We need to make that argument why free-market healthcare is a good thing.”

To recap, Shelly's "free-market health care" system that she believes in is the same massively expensive system before the health care debate:  full of insurance company rescission, coverage limits, denial of coverage for any reason, and millions of folks losing insurance every year as a result.

They don't want to replace it, because they're fine with exploding health care costs and unaffordable insurance and millions of ordinary people filing for medical bankruptcies, because members of Congress get free health care anyway (and insurance companies make billions.)

If the public figures this out, it would be kind of bad for the Republicans, hence the smoke and mirrors about replacing it with basically the same plan.  The Tea party caucus is making that problematic for the GOP.

Should be an interesting fight.  I wonder if Bachmann has given up her government health care yet?

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if Bachmann has given up her government health care yet?

    LOL, yeah, just like I wonder why Bachmann stopped flogging the "eeevil librul Census thugs" meme.
