Wednesday, December 15, 2010

From The Battle To The War

Democrats have all but given up on the tax deal, and as a result Washington is moving on to what was always going to be the real conflict in the lame duck session:  the $1.1 trillion end of year omnibus spending bill.  Republicans are going berserk, naturally.

Senate Democrats have filed a $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill that would fund the government through fiscal year 2011, according to Senate GOP sources.

The 1,924-page bill includes funding to implement the sweeping healthcare reform bill Congress passed earlier this year as well as additional funds for Internal Revenue Service agents, according to a senior GOP aide familiar with the legislation.

The package drew a swift rebuke from Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee.

"The attempt by Democrat leadership to rush through a nearly 2,000-page spending bill in the final days of the lame-duck session ignores the clear will expressed by the voters this past election," Thune said in a statement. "This bill is loaded up with pork projects and should not get a vote. Congress should listen to the American people and stop this reckless spending.”

Thune has called for a short-term funding measure free of earmarks to keep the government operating beyond Dec. 18, when the current continuing resolution expires.

Despite strong opposition from Thune and Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.), several Senate Republicans are considering voting for the bill.

“That’s my intention,” said retiring Sen. Bob Bennett (R-Utah) when asked if he would support the package.

Bennett, George Voinovich and Kit Bond, all outgoing GOP Senators, have no problem voting for this bill, apparently.  Republicans will put on more kabuki, but it will pass just like the tax deal.  Must be a little depressing for the Tea Party folks to see Republicans in Congress completely ignoring them and going right back to where they left off as Dubya Republicans.

I thought the Tea Party honestly had more clout.  It appears they do not.


  1. Please. You knew rich old white fuckers > regular old white fuckers. Like they would have ever let the Tea Party have clout.

    And you know what? It's not like the Tea Party will care, too. Yeah, you'll get a few people that will go on about it. If they aren't true believers though (highly unlikely), they're just trying to keep attention on themselves.

    As far as the Teatards are concerned, the liberal-commie-homo socialist-illegal-nazi-islamist menace has been defeated. Until two years later when the liberal-commie-homo-socialist-illegal-nazi-islamist president must be voted out before he gives all their stuff to the illegals (mexicans. They're brown.), welfare deadbeats (blacks. They're brown too.), and islamists (arabs. Still brown.)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It all comes back down to the tea party (or really, republicans, but hey) is either rich or stupid. If you voted for them (hypothetically, not meaning you, Zandar), chances are you ain't rich, which leaves...

    Also, edit function. Would still be nice.

  4. Oh you have a slew of points there, Kitteh.

    I just figured it would take longer than 6 weeks to throw them under the bus.

  5. Not really. That bus was already barrelling down the road doing 80 on election day.

  6. And you know, that really is damn pathetic that the best thing I can say about this tax deal is "Well it proves the GOP was lying to the Tea Party too".

    I'm running out of things to say about the Democrats that doesn't eventually end with "to hell with these jagoffs."

  7. Barring a violent revolution (and hope to fucking god it doesn't come to that), or some sort of major political shift or upheaval, I don't see it changing soon though.

  8. I'm running out of things to say about the Democrats that doesn't eventually end with "to hell with these jagoffs."

    Spoken like a true lapsed O-bot.

    Maybe there's hope for you yet...

  9. And that is spoken like a true asshole who has to jack themselves off to sleep while crying about how whoever they wanted lost.

    I'd say there's hope for you yet, as well, but it's clear that you have none.

  10. i have my differences with Z, but the guy is far from an "o-bot". jesus. that kind of shit undermines any valid point you could possibly make.
