Friday, December 31, 2010

Zandar's Ten Predictions For 2011

Let's see if I can do any better at all than 45%, shall we?  Here's my ten predictions for 2011.

  1. The GOP will shut down the government at some point in 2011 over the budget.  Maybe it will involve the debt ceiling, maybe it won't, but March is going to be real interesting.
  2. Unemployment will top 10% again.  I just don't see the job situation turning around, especially given the coming avalanche of local government layoffs when stimulus money runs out.
  3. California, Illinois, and/or Michigan will ask for federal money to close their budget hole.  What Obama and Congress will do is anyone's guess.
  4. President Obama will bust out the veto pen at least once in 2011.  Seems like a no-brainer.
  5. At least one major GOP presidential candidate will embrace birtherism in order to capture a plurality of support heading into 2012.
  6. If California's Prop 8, the HCRA individual mandate, or Arizona's immigration law reaches the Supreme Court in 2011, Justice Kennedy will make it a 5-4 split and side with the court's liberals. Most likely we won't see a decision on these until 2012.
  7. Republicans will find a way to delay full implementation of DADT repeal until after 2011.  It may involve number 1 up there, too.  Totally wouldn't put it past the Republicans to say "re-implement the law or no budget for you."
  8. Julian Assange doesn't make it to see Dec. 31, 2011.  Somehow, I think somebody's government agents are going to erase the guy.  The consequences could be interesting however.
  9. Apple's iPad 2 crushes the competition.  I was dead wrong about the iPad last I own one. 
  10. Dow ends the year under 10,000.  I'm going to eat that prediction from last year, but 2011 is going to be ugly.
We'll see how I do at the end of next year.  Into the Future Stupidity files you go.


  1. Zandar will continue to be a "D-List" lib blogger that nobody gives a shit about because he's wrong all the fucking time.

    I win.


  2. Obviously someone's upset because they drew the short straw when the troll assignments were handed out.

  3. Dude, the CHECKMATE LOLOLOLOL is back!

  4. Tell me again how the Dow is going to crash Uncle Zandar...

  5. If #2 and #10 are right then Obama loses in 2012 for sure!
