Monday, December 13, 2010

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

God bless Matt Osborne.

Jane the Hamsher is one of the cool kids, I realize; her front page status at Arianna’s place helps maintain her illusion of intellect and relevance. Yet she wouldn’t recognize progress if it smacked her in the face, and so far has achieved nothing resembling progress on any front. Indeed,  I have been waiting for someone to tell me what this woman’s “progressive” credentials are.

He goes on to argue that hey, Jane Hamsher may not actually be a progressive.  And he does it pretty convincingly.

In other news the same folks who say that food stamps and unemployment benefits make people lazy are the same folks who think Michelle Obama is a fascist for wanting to fight childhood obesity.


  1. may your god(s) [if any] bless you too, Zandar.

  2. hamsher forges alliances with grover norquist, obama appoints alan simpson to head up his deficit commission.

    call me nutty, but i find myself getting a lot angrier at obama when i think about those two things and that's merely the top of the fucking iceberg with the prez.

    just sayin'.

  3. Fire baggers in it for themselves and Obama's centrist tendencies are not mutually exclusive. Hell I have my well documented problems with the guy on policy and especially his waffling on DADT.

    But the alternative, well...
