Monday, January 24, 2011

StupidiNews! Potpourri Edition

In Texas, a teacher is being investigated for putting clear tape over a little girl's mouth.  The student was too afraid to tell her father what happened, but fellow students reported it to their parents.

CNN Money has an article discussing the likelihood that our cell phones will replace credit cards as method of payment.  This has been a while coming, but with specific deals being struck, the time has arrived.

The Razzies have published their list of nominations.  I had a busy year and didn't get to see nearly as many movies as I wanted, but the public seems to be fickle.  Some of the worst movies were the biggest blockbusters.

A man walked into a Detroit police station and began firing.  He was killed by return fire (duh) and no officers were killed, though a few were wounded.  In Florida, two officers and a deputy U.S. marshal were shot and wounded while serving an arrest warrant.  At the time the article went to CNN, the shooter was still in the home.

And just for giggles, here is an article saying Genghis Kahn did the world a huge favor by killing so many people that entire regions were reforested.  


  1. Ah yes. Let’s hear it for WWII, the An Shi Rebellion, and the Mongol Conquests. Unfortunately, while factually correct, the Carnegie Institute’s paper is going to be twisted to serve reich wingers’ arguments that paint treehuggers as fascists. No blame should be directed at Pongratz, et al; I’m just dreading the heinous spin this is going to receive...

  2. That CNN Money article IMHO really qualifies as StupidiNews! My wife got caught in a texting scam I've been trying to resolve for two months but with her cell phone essential to her work we have no recourse as these scammers have AT&T as their bill collectors. As for me my cell is pre-paid and that's how it's gonna stay, too.
