Thursday, January 6, 2011

Tidal Forces, How Do They Work? It's A $^@*#* Miracle

Bill-O fails at science again.

"I'll tell you why [religion is] not a scam," he said. "In my opinion -- alright? Tide goes in, tide goes out. Never a miscommunication. You can't explain that. You can't explain why the tide goes in." 

It makes my head hurt sometimes.  You know Bill, I know astrophysicists.  They're pretty normal guys.  One I know is a very spiritual dude (and a hell of a guitar player.)  It is possible to combine science and faith without looking an idiot on national television.

Try it sometime.


  1. Christ on a Triscuit, between O'Reilly and Steviepoo, we're surrounded by Juggalos.

  2. BillO's been off my radar, it's hard to pick up his usual stupid crazy with Palin, Bachmann, Beck and Steve King running around going BLAH BLAH BLOOGITY BLOO and swamping my detectors, but I guess we just had to wait for BillO to up his own stupid factor.

  3. Back-to-back stories on people who don't know anything about science, from a guy who doesn't know anything about fucking anything.


  4. "In my opinion -- alright? Tide goes in, tide goes out. Never a miscommunication. You can't explain that. You can't explain why the tide goes in."

    This was a build-up to one of the single funniest scenes in Avatar: The Last Airbender. You just forgot Sokka's rebuttal: "Yes! Yes science can!"


    Oh, wait. That wasn't from Avatar. Oy.

  5. I have always wondered when the Republicans would begin denying gravity. Now I know.

  6. And... submitted to FSTDT. This should be *funny*.

    And of course, I'm immediately reminded of
    this. As always, you can't outwingnut a wingnut.

  7. I have always wondered when the Republicans would begin denying gravity. Now I know.

    It is just a theory, after all. Teach the controversy!
