Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Who Does That Leave?

Some folks have told me "You know, when it comes down to it in 2012, the GOP won't make the mistake of nominating a far right loon that can't beat Obama."

To that I say "There won't be anybody left but the far right loons."

Mike Huckabee won't make it.  He doesn't hate Michelle Obama enough.

Mitt Romney won't make it.  He's not a "real Christian".

Tim Pawlenty won't make it.  He doesn't love crosshairs enough.

Mitch Daniels won't make it.  Doesn't hate gays enough.

That leaves what, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, and John Bolton's Mustache?  Nearly everyone else has already been dismissed from the race by conservatives as of course not being conservative enough.  If anything, the entire 2012 primary circus is going to have to lurch even further to the right.

It's not going to be pretty, either.


  1. Personally, I am still hoping for Palin/Bolton, but then I have lots of popcorn that I need to eat.

  2. At first my caffeine-deprived brain read that as "is going to have to lunch farther to the right."

    Which doesn't sound half bad, actually.

    I think the nomination of a Palin/Bolton ticket, or the equivalent, may finally prove to the American public that the GOP's lunch is out of bounds. They're already toying with the right sideline.

    But then, given the events of the past three years, I'm not holding my breath, either.

  3. To that I say "There won't be anybody left but the far right loons."

    I see that you are helping...what did someone say...ah use rhetoric that could possibly be thought to have "contributed to a climate that may have fostered" what happened last Saturday in Tuscon. This is based on your own abysmally low standards of criticism, such as they are. See how this works?

    As the lyrics to one of my favorite songs begins, "Welcome to the jungle, we've got fun and games..."

    And by the way, the reason I am "unable to differentiate between direct blame and contributed to a climate that may have fostered the action" is because there is no difference. What Sarah Palin has said had nothing to do with what Loughner did, which is shown by the facts. The real facts, not those you say exist. RFK, Jr. tried to say the same thing today in HuffPo, saying the right contributed to his uncle's death while never once mentioning the scumbag, Lee Harvey Oswald, who committed JFK's murder.

    Oswald and Loughner were going to commit there crimes regardless of what anyone has said. Get it?

  4. Man at what point does this guy get tired of repeating the same crap in every thread?

  5. Man at what point does this guy get tired of repeating the same crap in every thread?

    The same could be said about Z...

  6. Man at what point does this guy get tired of repeating the same crap in every thread?

    Well, at some point his father is going to cut off his Internet connection...

  7. Zandar's Credibility ProblemJanuary 12, 2011 at 6:54 PM

    True. Zandar still lives in his parents' basement after all.

  8. @ZCP
    i've never quite understood the idea of going to blogs and making a pest of myself when i know my opinions aren't welcome there. i'm not going to change anybody's mind about anything, so what'd be the point?

    honestly, can you explain why you do what you do? i really would like to understand. you can't possibly have a purpose other than annoying people and that seems like a silly thing for an adult to be doing.
