Monday, January 24, 2011

Why I Have No Idea What You Are Talking About, Mr. Gregory

Even a stopped grandfather clock is right twice a day, and Sunday must have been Meet The Press host David Gregory's turn to commit acts of actual journalism as he cornered GOP House majority leader Eric Cantor on the issue of birthers.

"I think the President is a citizen of the United States," Cantor said.

"Period?" Gregory asked.

"Yes," Cantor replied. "Why is it that you want me to go and engage in name calling [against birthers]?"

"Because I think a lot of people would say that a leader's job is to shut some of this down," Gregory replied. "You know as well as I do that there are elements on the right who believe two things about the president: he is actively trying to undermine the American way and wants to deny individuals their freedom. Do you reject those beliefs as a leader of our Congress?"

"I believe the president wants what's best in this country," Cantor said.

Damning with faint praise.  Of course Cantor isn't going to call out the birthers.  He needs them and so does the GOP.  He calls them out, they call for his head in turn and demand he be stripped of his leadership position.  He knows it, the birthers know it, David Gregory knows it.  That's a fight Cantor doesn't want to Republican wants to have it, nor do they possess the fortitude to do the right thing and put this idiocy to rest.

Gregory is right:  a leader would have tamped this down two years ago.  Sadly, it'll never happen, not with some 41 percent of Republicans doubting the President is an American citizen.


  1. Liberals have spent more than two weeks trying to claim conservatives had some sort of responsibility for what happened in Tuscon. Even after President Obama categorically rejected this in his speech, as have the American people, liberals have gone on their merry way with their accusations. Yet, no other Democrats have spoken out against the ongoing blamefest of the left, which still gets done here on nearly a daily basis.

    Maybe Gregory should have actually committed an act of "journalism" instead of being a partisan tool of the left and injecting his opinion of leadership at only one side while not demanding the same of his side.

  2. Can't you at least come with a decent stance if you want to argue?

    When the topic is: "Reporter X asked Rep Y specific questions about topic Z"

    Coming in and going "WELL WHY DIDN'T HE TALK ABOUT HOW MEAN LIBERALS ARE?" just makes you look asinine.

    Any number of approaches would have worked on this.

    "It is nice to see a reporter pressing someone on a volatile issue. Hopefully he continues this approach when he's dealing with the other side also, such as ::example::."

    You are actively taking the stance that by even "daring" to press on an issue like "Birthers" that he is somehow NOT doing the job of a journalist and instead means that he's an active agent of a political party? Really? Fail more.

  3. do a "steveAR" search on google blogs. the guy spends his entire day smearing shit onto the comments threads of every liberal site he can get access to. the man is clearly batshit crazy.

  4. Uhm... isn't he supposed to be running a business and a job?

    I dunno about his business, but I think I know what his job may be.

  5. GREGORY: Is somebody who brings that up engaging in crazy talk?
    CANTOR: David I don’t think it’s nice to call anyone crazy, OK?
    During a June 2009 appearance on Morning Joe, Eric Cantor called the Democrats’ health care plan “crazy talk.”

    Eric couldn't say the truth about the birthers because he's schtupping one of them.

    Here they are at a hotel, still flush from their frenzied coitus:
