Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Worst Thing I've Heard All Year: Part III

I'm sad to say I really didn't expect this to progress so rapidly.  I may as well change it to the worst thing I've heard all week.  With much sighing and sadness, on to the worst thing I've heard all year... so far.

MCMINNVILLE, Ore. – After witnessing a Facebook video of two 9-year-olds fighting, an out-of-state caller reported to police that the video looked like it was filmed in McMinnville.
The article goes on to explain that the kids weren't only encouraged to assault each other, they were starved and kept in pitiful conditions.  They were both removed from their homes.  The four adults were confirmed to be the ones on the video, and are being charged with criminal mistreatment, assault, reckless endangering, endangering the welfare of a minor, strangulation, coercion and menacing. 

Because, really, life doesn't suck enough without these fertile but otherwise useless people contributing.  


  1. Maybe you need to balance the series with "the most heartwarming story I've heard this year so far," just to keep despair at bay.

  2. I really like that idea. Done! I am a big believer in acknowledging and dealing with the negative while trying to focus on the good things in the world. Thanks!
